Sunday, May 16, 2010


As of tomorrow when I turn in my final paper, I will be chronologically half-way done with my Masters. Credits wise, I am way ahead of the curve, 21/30 units complete with 15 finished last semester. This has been a real challenge, but I have been enjoying the research I have been doing and hope that my professor likes my paper. I feel good about it!

At last, it will be time to get into summer mode. Teaching with a company I have been with for four years (minus Chicago), taking a trip with Nicole at some point, and hopefully getting a little time to just do nothing at all. Last summer was so intense with teaching all day and working a night job. 60-70 hour weeks were just too much. I am happy that I kept my cool with the students through all that. It helps to think that now I should be able to handle it with even less stress now that I am just working with them and nothing else.

Not too much to say this time other than a little status report. Happy Birthday to my mom, belated to my sis-in-law, and of course my wife. Can't wait for warmer weather. What is up with this rain and 64 degree crap. Come on Cali. Get with it. Peace...

Sunday, May 02, 2010

Mental Megaphone

The past few weeks have been very busy with working on the sound design for Yellow Face, teaching my actors, picking up some guest lectures, and my PR work for the department. This really is the first day I have had in awhile where I do not have some sort of extended agenda for the day. It feels great. But with the lack of goal-oriented thought comes a flood of neglected emotional and mental stuff that can now come to the forefront.

- I miss Greendale. Not homesick, I have learned that now. The mighty midwest will always be my roots. The summer memories of my youth will always be tied to running though sprinklers in our old house, Twi-Nite baseball, sundaes at Ferch's, and fireworks at the high school. I latched onto that energy again when we were in Chicago, but it wasn't enough to carry me. I can now see that I will always look at that part of my life fondly, and still love the little reminders of those days. My Brewers, secret stadium sauce on a brat, Kopps Custard, Sprecher Root Beer, and of course visits back there to see my sister, brother-in-law, and my nieces. My grown up life fits better here in California, but I will never forget where I am from.

- I don't miss performing as much as I thought I would. I have had pangs lately to get back on stage, but working on YF reminded me of that fine line that I now walk between artist and family man. It isn't out of obligation, it is my choice. I made it long ago and I hold to it now. I like coming home at night, seeing my wife and just being with her. Yes, I will be back on stage again someday soon. And yes, I will direct again of course. It is my career, and I will not let that go. But I just can't be one of those people that is always in another show, always pulling late hours week after week. I applaud those who can, but I am really enjoying the role of "husband" right now.

- I can't wait for a vacation. Nicole and I need to get away. Somewhere, sometime soon. Hopefully it won't be too far down the road.

- I love teaching. I already knew that, but my beginning acting students have made it even more obvious. They get the material, and even more than that they are really using it and becoming more honest in their work each and every day. I love it. I recently spoke of teaching as "my drug of choice" to some students, and it really is true. I get a high from it. I can't wait for another dose tomorrow. Getting the shakes here...

Those are the biggies. Not much else to say. My brain feels better for just getting those thoughts out like that. I guess that is why I have been writing this thing for seven years now. Hard to believe.

Man, I want some custard. Peace...