Saturday, July 03, 2010

Mickey's Hands Are Blurry

Wow, its July already. I know it is cliche to say "time flies", but in this case I can't help but feel that it really does. One year ago, I was working 65 hour weeks between PYT and BevMo. Now, only the former remains and my life is far more calm and serene. Strange to think that a year has passed already. Goes to show that being back in California and being happy with life in general makes quick work of the calendar.

Other than our living arrangements (which aren't "bad", just not ideal in my opinion), life is right where I want it. Can't expect much more. My work is rewarding and steady as is Nicole's, we are in good health, we love our friends and family and the time we have been able to spend with them, and life is good.

So for this 4th of July, my toast is to our new-found freedom of our lives. I am thankful for what we have, and it feels great to have it. Not the best post ever, I know. But it sure feels good to be able to say it. Peace...