Saturday, January 29, 2011

Taking My Baby Soul For A Ride

Lately, I have been engrossed in a book for the first time in a long time. I can honestly say that aside from reading plays, this is the first time since reading Wonder Boys while on a ski trip with friends in late 2003 that I have found myself planning time to sit and read.

The book, Ghost Rider by Neil Peart, chronicles the aftermath of a ten month period in which he lost his daughter in a car accident and his wife to cancer. He drove, from Quebec to Alaska, down the west coast of Canada and the U.S.A., through Mexico all the way to Belize. I am about 60% through the book, so I don't know how much further he goes. But what kept striking me is his discussion of therapy. He frequently refers to his "little baby soul", likening it to an infant who when upset could benefit from the simple therapy of motion.

There is a lot going on in my life right now between the light at the end of the tunnel that is the final year of my masters, the show I am directing, my teaching responsibilities, and the usual family stuff. Thankfully, it isn't anything I can't handle. Things are quite manageable. But it still feels good to type it all out and voice it, even it just for myself. Maybe that is why I talk to myself so often. I just like to sound things out, even if they aren't "bad things".

So this is me, taking my little baby soul for a ride, figuratively speaking. In the end, that is what I think blogs are really about. So many people (especially in the real heyday of blogging back around 2002 or so) were all about how many readers they had. Hell, even I was on that train. But I think the reason I never deleted this thing in the name of anonymity or lack of use is that it still exists as a sounding board for myself.

Even if things are great, perspective is still a great thing to have. Sometimes, your brain can only get so full of whatever life may give you before you pour some of it out somehow. Peace...